Collection: The 50 Carpoolers Collection
Number of pieces: 50
Current floor price: 10 ETH
Collectors: 47
Volume traded: 241.6 ETH
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
Created in Mexico from 2011-2012. Offering a different take on ‘carpooling’ Alejandro Cartagena continues his pointed investigation of the multiple and complex issues relating to unhampered suburban expansion. These images show how carpooling is practiced by workers in México.
They are an accurate observation to overgrowth issues in Mexico, where suburbs are being built in far away lands with no proper public transportation to the urban centers causing greater commutes and consumption of gas. Even though these workers are not conscious of the ecological impact they have by traveling this way as they are doing it to save time and money, they are a silent contributor to the preservation of our city and planet.
This work is in museums like SFMOMA, MFAH, and J Paul Getty.

Collection: The End of the City Collection
Number of pieces: 33
Current floor price: 0.33 ETH
Collectors: 21
Volume traded: 11.6 ETH
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
This is a photographic conversation between Fernando Gallegos and Alejandro Cartagena. For over 10 years, we have collaborated in the creation of stories surrounding the idea of the city and how we inhabit them. Through 33 images we constructed a ping-pong narrative about the spiraling decay of the Latin American city. In pursuit of modernity, we have seen how these human spaces collapse into themselves forcing uninhabitable conditions. We want to make a point about the natural dichotomy of our urban culture; the struggle between the cities we hoped would bring progress and the acceptance that it will never arrive.
All the images from this collaboration were done on 120mm medium format film from 2010-2020

Collection: The Bliss Collection
Number of pieces: 21
Current floor price: 1.5 ETH
Collectors: 13
Volume traded: 12.7 ETH
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
In 2014, I documented the blissful moments of people and crowds in the middle of a live music concert. I wanted to feel their bliss. In retrospect, these are a self-portrait of someone I wanted to be: young, excited, and free. I asked the dancers to dance as if no one was watching to a tune in their heads. Now, in 2021, what I captured in these images feels like a time long passed—a time where we all were experiencing bliss. The 21 pieces that make up The Bliss Project are a symbolic gesture to portray our lives before the pandemic and to project optimism about the future.

Collection: 20th Century Photographs
Number of pieces: 350
Current floor price: 0.2 ETH
Collectors: 66
Volume traded: 15 ETH
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
For the past 6 years, I have been running a photography rescue project where I salvage thrown away photographs from the garbage in Mexico City. These are “expired photographs” or photographs that have lost their original meaning. Through saving them I look to offer these objects an opportunity to continue their mission as holders of feelings and memories.
The order you will find here corresponds to groups that illustrate the changing approaches to beauty and representation throughout the 20th century. In their new life as NFTs, they add an important historical element to the NFT photography archive we are engraving on to the blockchain, tying the inherently photographic medium to its humble origins.
Through the profits of the sales of The 50 Carpoolers Project, this rescue program guarantees its continuation and expansion for years to come. Thank you to all the collectors for enabling this to happen.
Collection of 500. First drop August 20th 2021. Final drop October 20th 2021.

Collection: Suburbia Mexicana Part I; Fragmented Cities
Number of pieces: 32
Current floor price: 2.5 ETH
Collectors: 25
Volume traded: 37.8 ETH
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
State of Nuevo León, Mexico, 2005-2010. I wanted to document the rapidly changing landscape around my home city of Monterrey. Thousands of these little houses were being built and sold through government subsidies creating a housing bubble that lasted 12 years. In the end, entire suburbs were abandoned and many became areas of extreme violence, where the drug war was fought for years. Others flourished and became the dream of homeownership the government forcefully pushed on Mexicans for years.

Collection: Suburbia Mexicana Part II; Lost Rivers
Number of pieces: 32
Current floor price: 0.72 ETH
Collectors: 17
Volume traded: 15.4 ETH
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
State of Nuevo León, Mexico, 2005-2010. I wanted to document some of the unintended consequences of the housing bubble many cities in Mexico were going through. I was also very interested in the aesthetic questions posed by using ultra-beautiful landscape imagery to represent ecological degradation. It is a nod to the romantic use of tragedy in paintings; a visual exploration of the grandeur of disaster as a way to comment on the other side of Mexico’s copy-pasted ideals of homeownership.

Collection: Suburbia Mexicana Part III; People of Suburbia
Number of pieces: 32
Current floor price: 2.25 ETH
Collectors: 4
Volume traded: 6.7 ETH
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
State of Nuevo León, Mexico, 2005-2010. During the first 10 years of the 21st Century, Mexico put forward a housing project that resulted in the construction of hundreds of thousands of homes around my hometown of Monterrey. These are the people who dared to dream about owning a new home. I encountered them in their new suburbs and asked them to be part of the representation of a changing landscape we were both living through at that time. All images were done with a large format 4×5 film camera.

Collection: Santa Maria de las Rocas
Number of pieces: 151
Current floor price: 0.25 ETH
Collectors: 15
Volume traded: 5.3 ETH
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
A novella by Nicholas Gill and Alejandro Cartagena.
A collection of 151 “expired photographs” that were thrown out, collected from a tianguis outside of Mexico City by photographer and archivist Alejandro Cartagena and then pieced together and reimagined by writer Nicholas Gill. The 151-page novella tells the tale of the fictional town of Santa Maria de las Rocas, located in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas.
The story traces this coastal community from its humble origins at the turn of the century to the 1980s, as it corresponds to real events in the history of this corner of Mexico. As the years pass, the landscape changes, and the community grows and develops. There’s corruption and violence, magic and hope. Characters fall in love and fall apart. Their voices are heard. Their songs are sung.

Collection: Digital Heritage Cartagena
Number of pieces: 50
Current floor price: 0 ETH
Collectors: 25
Volume traded: 0 ETH
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
Memes are digital heritage. They are meant to circulate. This is a documentary project about the memefication. of The Carpoolers project by Alejandro Cartagena. Take. Circulate back. All these works are based on the original work created in 2011 to 2012.
Original Works: https://opensea.io/Carpoolers?search[sortBy]=CREATED_DATE&search[resultModel]=ASSETS&search[sortAscending]=true&tab=created
AI generated NFTs of the 50 Carpoolers: https://opensea.io/Carpoolers?search[sortBy]=LISTING_DATE&search[query]=eponym

Collection: The 50 Al Carpoolers
Number of pieces: 50
Current floor price: 0.19 ETH
Collectors: 1
Volume traded: 0 ETH
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
Eponym is a state-of-the-art generative algorithm that produces fine, abstract art, in under 1 minute, using an innovative text-to-image generator. Any word or phrase, can be transformed into a beautiful 1/1 art piece, forever etched onto the Ethereum blockchain as the visual representation of your phrase. The program was developed over the last 2 years by the world’s best generative art engineers.

Collection: City
Number of pieces: 4
Current floor price: 500 tz
Collectors: 1
Volume traded: 0
Last updated: 12.08.21
About the project:
These images evoke the insistence of man to decipher and interpret his environment. They’re a set of scenarios where apparently nothing happens, where human absence generates the possibility of creating stories about what is seen and what has happened in these places; showing generic sites belonging to urban spaces of possibly a nearby or distant City.

Collection: Dreams
Number of pieces: 9
Current floor price: 6.9 Matic
Collectors: 1
Volume traded: 0
Last updated: 12.08.21
About the project:
This series of portraits seeks to explore the idea of the body as an expressive symbol. Through this, it’s intended that the contortions bring the viewer closer to what possibly occurs in the dream. Terrifying or exciting, they lead the body to deaden the sensations imagined during these night trips. The use of a minimal chromatic palette in turn brings the images closer to a pictorial representation that carries an implicit narrative, inviting to decipher what is being dreamed of. Finally, the pieces function as a descriptive and aesthetic document that provide a visual interpretation of our anguish and repressed desires.

Collection: The Roma Roma Collection
Number of pieces: Archive
Current floor price: Archive
Collectors: Archive
Volume traded: Archive
Last updated: Archive
About the project:
Roma Italy and la Roma in Mexico City. Two cities united by history, united by time, and united by urban issues.
This series investigates the idea of the car, its impact on the construction of cities and how this design of the environment affects its inhabitants. All images were taken in medium format film from 2012-2014.

Collection: My NFT Collection
Number of pieces: 408
Current floor price: Archive
Collectors: 1
Volume traded: Archive
Last updated: 11.18.21
About the project:
Here’s my NFT Collection, hope you enjoy it.